As original equipment manufacturers and system integrators are challenged by lead time and pricing pressures, Boly offers its comprehensive line of Ultra High Purity Fittings (UHP fittings) designed to provide reliable performance at a lower cost.
Our UHP metal face seal and weld fittings are designed for critical applications where ultra-high pure conditions are required. Those are ideal for semiconductor and microelectronics applications such as tool refurbishing, tool hook up, manifold boxes, gas cabinets and gas sticks. Our weld fittings provide compact designs for use with orbital weld equipment and the metal face seal fittings provide a high-integrity metal-to-metal seal for reliable service from vacuum to positive pressure.
Our proprietary manufacturing process enables all of our fittings to meet SEMI F20 requirements for SUS 316L and Nickel-chromium-based superalloys such as Inconel® / Hastelloy®.
Female Gland
Male Gland
Short Socket Weld
Socket Weld
Reducing Socket Weld
Male Weld
Tube Adapter Gland
Female Gland Hi-Flo
Female Nut
Male Nut
Short Male Nut
Female Cap
Male Plug
Female Nut, Hi-Flo
Male Nut, Hi- Flo
Gasker, Non-Retained
Gasket, Retained
Reducing Union
Union Elbow
Reducing Elbow
Union Tee
Reducing Tee
Run Tree
Union Cross